Best Help Therapy Package

A Personal, Sustainable, Transformative Experience

· therapy,counseling,self-care

What is the Best Help Package?

When I was starting out as a therapist, I worked with Better Help. You may have heard of them — they advertise widely across radio, podcasts, and social media. My time there was a valuable opportunity to connect with clients and to help make therapy more accessible for people without insurance or for those seeking privacy in their mental health care. I deeply support the mission to make therapy more attainable and understand why their model is appealing. However, I also experienced firsthand some of the challenges inherent in the system.

To make their services affordable and profitable, Better Help operates with a model that compensates therapists at significantly reduced rates. While this enables more clients to access care, it can create challenges for the therapists providing that care. Many, myself included, found it difficult to sustain a balanced and healthy practice under these conditions. When therapists are overworked and under-compensated, it can lead to burnout, which can, in turn, impact the quality of care clients receive.

This concern for quality of care is one of the main reasons I developed the Best Help package. My goal is to provide a solution that offers an affordable, self-pay option for individuals who may not have insurance, who value privacy, or simply want to avoid the challenges of navigating reimbursement (which is often partial or delayed). At the same time, it ensures that I can give you the best care possible — fully focused and free from the pressures that can come with unsustainable practices.

Advantages of choosing Best Help over insurance:

  • Billing insurance requires a formal diagnosis, which becomes part of your permanent medical record. This could impact future insurance rates or limit opportunities for certain jobs. For example, military personnel may receive coverage for therapy, but certain diagnoses could affect their career trajectory.
  • Submitting for reimbursement from an out-of-network provider can be a frustrating process, with the potential for delays, denials, and unexpected costs.

With the Best Help package, you receive quality care at an affordable rate. There’s no diagnosis required, no invasive paperwork, and no dealing with reimbursement complications. For a fixed monthly fee, you get one session per week with a dedicated therapist who is fully invested in your well-being. You also have the flexibility to choose between online or in-person sessions, depending on your preference and need.

If you’re ready to prioritize your mental health with a therapist who has the time, energy, and commitment to support you, click the button below to get started.

~ Michael McVey, owner/therapist at Paulson Counseling.

Interested? Email us at the link below.

Please note that superbills will not be provided for the Best Help package and sessions are not submittable for out-of-network reimbursement.